to a Campaign
TTU Committed Campaign
Developing a Consistent Campaign
Commitments are at the root of college athletics. Most think of the student-athletes who commit to the program throughout the year, but we all know that success on- and off the field boils down to the commitment between the athletic department and fan.
Texas Tech's Red Raider Club embraced this mantra with their recently launched "Committed Campaign". A big part of expressing their commitment to current and future members was in the form of investing in the look-and-feel of the campaign. It obviously needed to look good, but because it involved massive changes to the points calculation and benefit levels, it needed to be consistent across all mediums – clean, and easy to comprehend: an exciting challenge for your friends at Summit.
Texas Tech University Red Raider Club
Graphic Design, Web Design, and Video
Fill-In the Blank
We entered the discovery process simply trying to define the "commitment" of a development shop like the Red Raider Club. We discovered it comes in a number of forms:
- A commitment to the student-athletes to generate the funds necessary to provide life-changing academic opportunities.
- A commitment to earning championships at the conference and national level in every sport.
- A commitment to YOU, the donor, to provide unique benefits
This led us to the branding for the campaign – effectively it is a blank that the Red Raider Club can fill-in depending on the motivations of the collateral.
This project needed multi-purpose branding for a multi-purpose campaign.
Every Medium Represented
Many of the changes instituted by the "Committed Campaign" directly impacted every existing donor and even brought a handful of new members into the fold. This meant that the Red Raider Club needed to over communicate and ensure that their message was being conveyed across all media: print, web, and video.

The "Committed Campaign" in Print
Whether you call it a Membership, Donor, or Giving Guide, these booklets are a vital component of your communication efforts.
Texas Tech's 2017 Giving Guide acted as the introduction to the "Committed" Campaign, and provided all the information members expect each year. Every element was placed with the theme of "commitment" in mind. We told stories of the Red Raider Club's commitment to student-athletes, championships, and YOU - the person making all the difference.
The "Committed Campaign" in Video
The campaign video visually explains the new process for calculating giving levels and benefits and lays out the goals of the department for 2017 and beyond. We created a two-minute video that provides the basic facts surrounding the campaign's impact and a one-minute version for use in-venue, during large-scale events, and meetings.
The "Committed Campaign" in Web
Each deliverable from the "Committed Campaign" seamlessly supplements the other materials, with the website ultimately culminating as the location where current members renew their membership and new members make their first gift. There is power in providing your constituents a consistent look-and-feel.

The other major component we wanted to address was social media.
Let's face it, social media tends to be an afterthought in development. Everyone wants to be more active, but nobody has the time to keep your social accounts up-to-date and engaging. In order to combat this, we created a series of social templates that provided the Red Raider Club with an arsenal of content: easy to update templates and evergreen content that would be strategically utilized throughout the year.